Monday, April 10, 2006

New Beginnings

It's been a while. I keep reading other people's blogs and forgetting to write in my own! My list of blogs to check every day has grown to 25 blogs. Not every one is updated often, but I find I check most of them every day. I have to figure out how to add a list on my sidebar so you can all see who I like to check with each day. Some of them are really inspiring! I am feeling I need to do my part, as far as posting to this blog more, to give back to the people who read this blog. Nothing is as frustrating as waiting for a blog to load and finding that there is no new entry! I have been guilty of that for far too long. So here I am!

I feel a new direction is needed. I am missing the every day writing thing I started out with. But I am not missing the have-to-record-every-detail-of-our-life method I was using. Most days there is a little story to tell about the girls, but when I feel I have to put down the whole rest of the day, I tend to put it off. Then the story is lost, and the details are lost as I wait for a once a week oppourtunity to write out the whole of our week. So, I think I will focus on the stories and not worry about the full life coverage I was attempting before, and failing at miserably. I will write about whatever inspires me each day. If the major events of our life get recorded in the process, it'll be a bonus! I've decided I want to remember the things that touched me, not the little scheduling details of what we did each day. Sound good to you all?

And now, completely out of character for my blogging style so far, I will post this entry and if I have more to say later, I will. The girls are very eager to get out the Easter decorations now, so that is what we are going to do today.


Stephanie said...

Hey, if you'd like, I'll help you put a blogroll on the sidebar when we have our playdate!

L'Imperatrice said...

Your blog is great, it is true that sometimes you don't post for days... And I miss it, I enjoy to read about your family, your life and then I miss vegas! I think you are inspiring, your lifestyle and family life is very inspiring as well. You seem to be in harmony and happy with your choices. I met you a couple times on LL event. Now we are in France. I have a blog as well Check it out sometimes.

Samantha said...

It's funny you should say you want to change your posting style because I was thinking of posting more like you do which is share what we are doing or did for the day and focus on life. It's all good.