Thursday, July 29, 2010

What Would You Say if....

...I told you I was thinking about joining facebook?

Ack! Did I just say something? No, no, must have been someone else... ;-)

I like being fashionably late to the party, I guess. Talk me into it. Or out of it. Or down from the ledge....


Stephanie said...

Eh. For a while I would go on daily and when I first joined it was really exciting to find all these people from my past. But nowadays I hardly ever check it, though I keep the account because I like to see what people are up to occasionally. Pat only joined so he could play Bejeweled Blitz and that's still pretty much all he does with it. Saren really likes it a lot and posts updates often. All of which is to say, go ahead and try it out. I can't see any reason not to!

wv: blormons-Mormons who paint themselves blue?

ZZZ said...

I joined facebook with the lure of connecting with other unschoolers and making better friends. It hasn't worked. At the best of times it is entertainment and amusing. At the worst, it reminds me of the lack of local connections that I have here at home. I like your focus on making community where you are instead of relying on technology to connect you to people. But maybe there is a happy medium. Let us know what you decide to do!

Flo said...

What is there to think about? It's nothing that isn't easily undone if you don't like it.

I think it's great to have local friends and far-flung friends. Why not? They may be different relationships but can be fulfilling in their own ways. Don't limit yourself by throwing the baby out with the bathwater, kwim?

Annette said...

It's what you make it. Some folk are on there a LOT and it seems like a popularity contest to see who can get the most 'friends'.

I find it convenient to send messages to some of my family that I know check it regularly. I can see how it is a useful tool for people who have, or are trying to build, internet-based businesses.

Some of my 'friends', I've never met, but post inspiring little messages and I like that. I like feeling connected to a world-wide community of unschoolers and others living with similar mindsets and lifestyle to me. But I don't let that take priority over my local communities. I'm fussy about who I'm friends with and I don't post a lot as I value my privacy and really don't want to share trivial things like what I had for breakfast. (I have a cousin who posts every little thing about her day, so I had to 'hide' her.)

So, like I's what you make it.

Diana said...

I like it...for me it's mainly a way to connect easily (I'm NOT a phone person) with loved ones far away...we have many. Go for it!

Heather McCarty said...

It isn't scary, just a little boring. I am sure it is what you make of it, like lots of things. Jeffrey was able to deactivate himself, so it is not irreversable!

Michael said...

Agreed, it's what you make it. I quite enjoy it, particularly as a way to keep track of people I don't get to talk with often. As soon as you create an account, though, go to and and follow the steps on each site (and look at the links at the bottom of the All Facebook post) to make sure your privacy settings are how you want them! Their defaults may be rather more public than you want them, but those sites help you easily customise your privacy settings. And of course, you can re-customise those settings whenever you like. :)

Stephanie said...

I like facebook, made lots of connections, it's easy to use and can be fun. It can also be touchy when you get into discussions with people who disagree with you. I have lots of unschooling friends and they are very diverse.

It's what you want it to be, tailor it to you. If you join look me up :)

~Tara said...

I agree with the other peeps who said it can always be undone.

I joined for my mom, primarily. I like that it gives me snippets into people's lives (not the breakfast snippets, mind you); things we may not talk about on the phone. It's like little verbal visuals into their homes or hearts.

It can be overwhelming too. Lots of people. Plenty of superficial connections. But plenty of good stuff too. Especially if you hide all those annoying games.