Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Children's Museum

We went to the children's museum with our group today. Six families joined us, two of which had the dads bring the kids instead of the moms, which was a nice change of pace. Not that we did not miss the moms, of course! It was just nice to talk with the dads who are not always as far along the unschooling path as us mothers tend to be. Anyway, the museum always has a traveling exhibit and this time it was houses from around the world. They had examples of houses from Malaysia, Fiji and Mongolia that the kids could walk around in and see how they lived in those places. The Malaysia one had a stream filled with fish next to the house and magnetic poles to "catch" the fish with. They had fun "fishing" as you can see from the catch E made. The one from Mongolia had an example of a saddle used by the people to ride horses. A took it for a ride. They had a spot where you could build a house out of bricks or stones, adding doors and windows and finishing with a roof on top. A, E and their friend M worked on the brick one together. One of their favorite parts of this museum is a stage with working curtains and lights that has a ton of dress up costumes for them to put on shows. They spent a long time there hamming it up for the audience of moms on the bleachers. The museum staff turned on the music to accompany the show and A danced like crazy, jumping on and off the stage. There was a good time had by all.

This evening, I made up a batch of sugar cookie dough that we will be baking and icing tomorrow. A and I got back to reading HP #5, after a break due to my voice being lost since last Friday. She is still up, watching me write this over my shoulder. I am starting the last book of the trilogy tonight, and it is calling me, not to mention A is waiting to snuggle.

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