Saturday, April 07, 2007

Good Times

I have been so bad about keeping up with our lives here and so, once again, I attempt to make it up with lots of pictures. I have a bunch saved from our past few weeks and will give you a quick run down on the goings-on around here.

E and her puffles. We went to the store and bought these white clothes, then came home and dyed them green to match .
A and her puffle. No need to dye anything here; she happened to have a shirt to match.
For a few days the girls played with hard boiled eggs. They were their babies. We made diapers and they carried them in the sling.

One day at park day, the ice cream truck came. I jumped right past the inevitable begging by saying to the moms, "Let's do it!" So we did.

A and her first batch of cookies, made almost entirely by herself. Yum!

We had a surprise visit from my good friend Flo and her crew. They only had basically a day and a half to spend with us, so we chose Red Rock as the most worthy place to take them. The girls showed their friend C the coolest places to climb the rocks and search for waterfalls and we made a few obos (stacks of rocks) along the way. Back home: trampoline jumping, dancing under the disco ball, gymnastics demonstrations, Diet Coke and Mentos experiments, fort building under the dining room table, and good conversations.

E and C at Red Rock.

A girl and her kitty

1 comment:

Flo said...

Finally I can comment- C has been looking back at previous posts for a while, enjoying all of the pictures.

Loving this latest bunch- especially the eggs babies and those sweet faces peeking out from the fort!!