Thursday, November 01, 2007


After a very busy month, Halloween kinda snuck up on me. The girls were very into their costumes and E wanted to decorate, so they kept up the Halloween momentum for me. I am fortunate in that I have a bunch of creative, fun ladies in the Lifelearners who were glad to throw us a great Halloween party, without me having to do very much at all. It ended up being a lovely holiday, despite my burned out status! Here's the highlights:

The girls and I each carved a pumpkin. Mine on the left (see how much creative juice I just did not have?), A in the middle, and E on the right. I helped only a little with the girls 'pumpkins, and the designs were all their own.

E with two of her "darkness fairy" friends at the LVLL party on Tuesday. E's costume was designed by her, made by Mama.

My contribution to the party was the apple dunking. Here is E going in for the bite. I love how concerned her friends look about keeping her hair out of the way!

A, enjoying the spoils of her dunk. She couldn't find an apple with a stem, so she used the suction technique!

Wednesday night, we had our friends over for trick or treating. The girls had fun running around the neighborhood, gathering the goods. Here is A with her haul.

And E, enjoying the first taste of her bucket of sugar.

Bonus picture! Me at the party on Tuesday. I'm a hippy. I mean, I dressed the part, for once!
Hope you all had a fun day, too!

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