Monday, September 29, 2008

Makes You Go, Hmmmm

If you were to ask me if we unschool because we have a problem with school, I would assure you we are simply choosing another way to gain an education, one that suits our family and our goals for our children better than school does. However, should I wish to make the argument, I would not have to go far to find support for the idea that "school is bad". This video below is a good example:

What are we setting ourselves up for, indeed. In light of recent events, this is serious food for thought.

For more detailed info, you can read John Taylor Gatto's book, The Underground History of American Education, in it's entirety online, here.

Oh, and in case anyone cares, we made it back from NY safely Saturday night. We have not yet closed on the house. Tomorrow, they say. We hope!


Unschoolers Rock the Campground said...

What a great video. Thanks for sharing that.

Unknown said...

I love Gatto, but he makes me angry, which is not where I want to be. Have you ever seen his video The Fourth Purpose? It seems like he should make that available somewhere on the Internet. I guess it's too long for youtube.

Good luck with your closing!


Miranda said...

Glad you enjoyed it, Jean!
And why does Gatto make you angry, Cheryl? I mean, I can see that what he talks about could be quite infuriating, but I'm curious what you mean.