Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter!

Hope you all have a lovely day today and that the Easter Bunny brings you lots of goodies! We are hosting brunch with the family, to include an egg hunt. The hot cross buns came out especially good this year (shhhhh, don't tell anyone we sneaked a taste) and the scrambled eggs will be from our hens (hence the dayglo orange color!). The rest of the family is bringing other goodies to round out the meal. All served in my newly finished dining room! Minus a few pictures and a couple finishing touches, but still, it's DONE! Yay! Hopefully my friend Flo and her family will be able to stop over for a visit in the afternoon and my dad is going to help pick up some plywood for the chicken coop with his truck. So, it should be a good day. Hope yours is, too!

1 comment:

Denise said...

Wow, sounds like a really fun Easter! I know it's late but...happy Easter! Ü