What Do You Want From Me?
Seriously. What do you come here for? Do you read this blog to find out what the girls are up to? To see what is going on in the world of peak oil, economic crises, etc, etc, and my take/response to them? Are you looking for more commentary on unschooling? Do you just want to see pictures of the chickens and hear about their antics? In other words, what made you click that button to follow this blog. I am floundering on what to do here and I want your input. What do you want to see more of? There are many things I want to share, but I stop myself thinking you don't want to hear more of that when this is supposed to be a blog about this, you know? I realize this is my blog and I can do what I want here, but I aim to please, so tell me what you wish I would do more of.
Pretty please.
Don't make me send my adolescent sword bearing daughter after you, ok? She wields a mean foil. And she steals my sneakers.
I personally come here to stalk your children and look at your chickens. But, that's just me.
I like to see what other unschooling families are up to, and hear the thoughts and interests of the other Moms. :)
Personally - unschooling and, by extension, the kids. I, too, have a foil and almost 50 years of experience with it, not to mention epee, saber (my favorite European Fencing weapon), and katana (from studying iaido and kendo). Let the blades fly, I say! And keep me up to date on her Fencing experiences.
I'm just new in here and your blog appeared when I clicked the button thingy at the top, but I have to admit that now I'm curious about what unschooling is...
damn it, language barrrer...
Honestly, I like reading any homeschooling blogs that talk about what they're doing for educational purposes. It helps me realize that other people have the same (or similar) struggles that I do.
I'll read whatever you post. Write it all. It doesn't have to be one thing or another. It's your blog. All those things together make up Miranda and that's beautiful.
Also! Saren's feet are almost as big as mine now too! And my feet are really big! When did that happen? Crazy kids.
all of the above.
maybe you could do a linky monday like i (try to) do for stuff you're afraid of overdoing.
Dude. I'll poke you all with a sword ... Fear me?
~A <3
I like to keep in touch to hear what your family is up to, your thoughts on life in general and whatever else you want to post. It's all good.
Summer now wears shoes larger than mine! Hopefully that means she'll be taller than me.
love ya!
I like to read it all, Miranda. I like reading about unschooling, what your family is doing, and the political/oil stuff.
This is my first visit. I was copying something you wrote to email my husband to read. It was an old post on the LV life learners group. I am new to that group but as I was pillfering through old posts something you wrote struck me as brilliant. In hopes of making my husband brilliant I was going to pass it on...LOL! As I was copying it I saw that you had a blog site and since I am a blog junky I clicked right over. I will probably blog stalk you now (totaly a joke, but I will follow your posts if thats ok.)Any ways now I am currious how you got from Vegas to NY, seems like you are living the dream. I dream of chickens and the country anyways... So what do I want from you...I am new to unschooling-any schooling really. My son is 4 and this is the direction we will go as he gets older, less of a lable I suppose and more of a lifestyle, so I hope to read more about unschooling. And thanks for the post I found on the other site!
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