Saturday, April 25, 2009

Instead of 8000 Words

Here are a few pictures to update a few weeks of goings on around here.
Magnetics jewelry:

Our glass Easter eggs:

Look what I baked! Awesome no-knead bread:

Chicks at 1 week old:

And here they are at a little over two weeks old:

E found a baby Painted Turtle in the yard far from the pond. We held him a little bit and then set him free down by the water.

We got C a basketball for his birthday, with the implied gift of a hoop to shoot it in. We finally got the hoop and set it up this week:

That's all, folks!


TheOrganicSister said...

First, E looks SO much older and more like you than I remember!

Second, share your bread recipe woman!

Third, I want chickens.

hillary said...

Hi beautiful ladies! Such a pleasure to spend some time with you all today :-)

Unknown said...

I LOVE the glass eggs. Did you make them?