The Best Laid Plans....
Well, our grand adventure should have started today with the drive to VA, but old man winter has decided we need one more day in Ithaca, resting in the hotel. Now, C did get up really early to drive down ahead of us and the bulk of the storm, since he felt he needed to go into work tomorrow to check on last minute moving stuff. The girls and I will follow tomorrow, after the snow clears out.
We got the house cleaned out and the keys to our property manager yesterday, so all is good on the home front. I was the last one at the house, mopping the floor and shutting it up, and while I expected to feel sad, I was more numb than anything. Maybe it will hit me later, or maybe the fact that we are coming back has kept me from being upset. Or maybe we have just not slowed down enough to feel yet.
I've learned a lot about myself in the past few years. One thing is that I resist change. Now, I can swing with a new plan after a period of readjustment, but boy do I hate changes at first. The other is that the unknown scares the bejeezus out of me. Literally freezes me up and keeps me from moving forward without help. C is really good at being that help, for which I am immensely grateful. So you could say this move has been challenging for me. ;-) All that said, I guess I am doing ok, so far. I'll keep you posted on the rest!
You'll be leaving on my birthday! Good luck and bon voyage and all that!
Please remember to take your ruby red slippers with you to Oz. We'll miss having you at home but are so excited for your grand adventure! Make us super jealous with lots of posts, please.
Stay well and know that I have your back. <3
Keep breathing. Rest peacefully knowing that all will be well and that you have such a wonderful family to share your adventure. And, ENJOY each moment as it comes! (And, yes, please, please tell us all about it along the way!) Take care. You'll be in our thoughts.
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